In the grand finale of Attack on Titan, the Scout Regiment found themselves battling against their old friend, Eren Jaeger, as the power of the Founding Titan granted him the ability to eradicate most of the world’s population. This destructive force, known as the Rumbling, was wreaking havoc, and it was up to Eren’s former acquaintances to defeat him. Perhaps no soldiers were as crucial in this battle as Mikasa and Levi, who, despite not possessing Titan powers, remained two of Paradis’s strongest warriors.
There is a significant bond between Mikasa and Levi, and this is not limited to their high-flying techniques. Both soldiers hail from the Ackerman lineage, members of which seemingly “imprint” themselves onto an individual and are destined to protect them in the future. Captain Levi, having committed himself to Erwin, ultimately couldn’t save his friend from the assault of the Beast Titan in the anime’s third season. Mikasa has had a connection with Eren since their childhood, making it even more tragic that as an Ackerman, she had to fight against Jaeger to protect a world that feared and loathed them.
Mikasa x Levi: Once More
LC Studio plans to release an insane new statue that brings Mikasa and Levi together once again, recreating a moment from the final moments of Attack on Titan’s last episode. With Levi’s significant aid, Mikasa managed to reach Eren while his head was inside his own Colossal Titan. Forced to kill Eren to save the rest of the world, Mikasa found herself mourning Jaeger but gained the opportunity to live out her days in peace. You can pre-order the upcoming statue by clicking here.
New Attack on Titan Figure by LC Studio
— Attack on Titan Wiki (@AoTWiki) November 9, 2023
The final episode’s post-credit scene sets the stage for a potential sequel series, but creator Hajime Isayama is adamant about not planning to create a brand new series returning to the world. Fortunately, Isayama is working on a new story set in the universe of 2024 as part of an upcoming art book titled Attack on Titan: Fly.
Are you considering adding this Attack on Titan statue to your anime collection? Don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments!
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